Elizabeth and I recently had the chance to attend the Styx-REO-Loverboy show here in Milwaukee. It has been quite some time since I have seen my friend Todd Sucherman live, and we were so excited to go to the show.
The concert itself was what one would expect. All of the bands were great, but Styx has a habit of stealing the show by default…By just being there, and performing. I have seen them countless times, and it is not simply a nostalgic musical journey for the evening. It is that of course, but the musicianship and replication of these songs live, truly live, past and present, are simply stunning. All of the members of the band are at the top of their game, and Todd Sucherman is, without a doubt, one of the greatest all around drummers on this planet. That is a sentiment shared widely in the drum community, and has been for a very long time. Todd is far too modest and real of a person to even enter into a conversation like that, but the truth of it is, he has surpassed his drum idols and mentors in skill, and anything he touches Musically…Is Magical.
I had a long drive to pick up Elizabeth and then backtrack to Milwaukee to the show. I had a lot of time to reminisce about all of the years knowing Todd. It is coming up on almost two decades soon. I was thinking about all the concerts, magazine articles, records and all of his incredible friendship and support over the years. It really was almost overwhelming, emotionally. He has chosen my drums for a number of records from Adrian Galysh, Steve Cole, Finally George, Styx Regeneration 1 & 2, and his widely acclaimed solo release… Last Flight Home. He has mentioned me and Beier Drums in articles, featured my drums in videos, and created memories for me that will last beyond my lifetime Musically.
We did not get to visit with him due to the current rules. I think everyone understands that now to a certain degree, and we all will await the day when that does not exist. I'm looking forward to sitting down with my buddy, giving him a big hug, and introducing him to Elizabeth who I have wanted him to meet for years now.
Thank You Again for thinking of us my friend. I got to see you live, but sometime soon we are all going to sit down live at dinner or lunch. I never thought I'd say like in the old days, but that does apply here. Elizabeth was completely floored by your performance. She has been a lifelong fan of Styx, and she has wanted to see you for a very long time. I will never stop telling you Thank You for everything you have done for me over the years, and for always being a Brother to me. You are a Magical and Beautiful Soul. The entire Music world loves you, and so do I.
We will meet again….Sooner than later my friend….
