Wednesday, May 22, 2024


Sending out a big Congratulations to a long time friend, and huge supporter of Beier Drums from the beginning: Bobby MacIntyre-Owner & Producer at Mirror Recording in Asheville, N.C., and drummer for Nil Lara. 

Bobby is currently working on his new studio in Asheville, N.C., and is also keeping a busy live schedule with Nil Lara. He is one of two players to own the complete line of original 15" drums, the other player is Mike Dawson, formerly of Modern Drummer. Those sizes that he and Mike own are the 1.5 Steel--4 x 15, 5.5 x 15, 6.5 x 15, & 7.5 x 15. Interestingly, Bobby most often selects his 1.5 Steel--6.5 x 15 for live work, Mike Dawson as well. I have, since the beginning, been a silent bystander to watch what players are choosing for their work. I am endlessly interested in that, and always will be. While producing drums is a "Business", it was always utterly imperative to me to be a bystander, and listen to drummers on why they chose a drum for a particular live show or record. Anything short of that is disruptive to the process.

Thank You Bobby for everything over the years. So looking forward to catching up soon. The new studio looks incredible, and the work that you will produce out of there will be as well. Talk Soon!


Bobby MacIntyre Producer-Zach Levy-Beier 15" Series

Pic from Bobby when Simon Kirke of Bad Company stopped in his studio-Beier 15" Series

Current work on the new studio-Mirror Recording in Asheville, N.C....


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