Friday, January 11, 2019


I am not much on being the sole person in a picture. As a matter of fact, I am one of those annoying people that herds everyone together, and then offers to take the pic, or bails. But then of course, I want a copy. I love having them for the memory books, and they mean a lot to me personally. They are not so much a reminder of my drums, but a reminder of how many musicians have taken the time out for me, and been so wonderful to me.  

This one struck me as kind of a summary. Elizabeth, and my brother Paul and I were walking out of an Alan Parsons show. I finally got to see the amazingly talented Danny Thompson live with Alan Parsons again. They told me to stop, and took this.

This kind of sums up everything I love about this business. I will do this until I am too old to physically pick up my Steel order, or too old and confused to figure out if I am even driving to the right city. It would take me days to list everyone who has taken me in. I stay in touch with everyone, and always will....

Thank You x Thank You. TBC......

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